Ideation & Design Thinking

We plan, run and facilitate engaging and inspiring ideation projects and workshops that maximise your team’s collective brainpower and creativity

Projects & workshops designed for your challenge

  • Workshops range from a single-day ideas generation to a week-long design thinking-style sprint

  • We design custom workshops and materials to suit the participants, location and challenge

  • We often involve external experts or consumers to get deeper into the challenge

Maximised collaboration

  • We apply the science of creativity to maximise the ability of teams to contribute creatively and collaboratively

  • We pick from a broad toolkit of methods from design thinking, sprints, design research, generative ai and beyond

Inspired from start to end

  • We curate and design inspiring workshop materials based on consumer insights and opportunities, parallel worlds and Signals of Change

  • We document and capture outcomes as videos, digital whiteboards and visualised concepts to move into design and experimentation

“This is EXCELLENT, I want to use this approach for all categories” 

Executive Lead

Recent ideation projects

Case studies showcasing our work

  • How might we...

    identify hotspots for innovation within the Personal Care category, align the team and generate inspiring Sprint Brief Packs?

  • How might we...

    ideate for packaging innovation across three key need states, increasing brand value and creating a roadmap of innovative ideas?

Our services

Talk to us

To see how we can help push your ideas further