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Zen and the Art of Creativity
We explore the topic of mindfulness and creativity—to boost the creative power of teams.
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Within the scientific literature around dream creativity, it’s clear that sleep can help to generate new ideas and help with creative problem solving—but how significant is this? How important is sleep overall when thinking about how creative we are as individuals?
Ever-curious about the Science of Creativity and how we can apply it to our day-to-day creative practices, we’ve been exploring the links between creativity and health. In this article we’ll be exploring the topic of mindfulness and creativity—and how bringing mindfulness to your innovation practice could be deliberately harnessed as a tool to boost the creative power of teams.
At INDUSTRY of Us, we’ve been exploring the topic of ‘Creative Health’ and more specifically, what impact does your health (in its broadest sense) have on your ability to be creative? This article looks at the role physical exercise plays in enhancing creativity and whether it could be deliberately harnessed as a tool to boost the creative power of teams.
It can be difficult to introduce design thinking and its value as an innovation approach to someone unfamiliar with it. So, in this article we dive into this challenge and explore three distinct yet interconnected perspectives that when combined, can help innovators understand how they might unlock the design thinking puzzle.
Constraints have an impact on our creative process, on what we can do and how we can do it. They are ubiquitous and inescapable. So, how can innovators leverage thinking in constraints to get to stronger ideas with greater, real-world potential?
In a start-up or scale-up, moving fast on the right idea isn’t just about gaining a competitive advantage, it’s about survival. Learning how to select and develop the right idea is paramount. So, what can be learnt from a start-up mindset and how can thinking in bets for innovators build stronger ideas in a lean, smart and flexible way?
When it comes to delivering design research, how do you engage your audience and key stakeholders to make sure it’s interesting and actionable? How do you turn insight to action?
When comparing different markets for global insight challenges, it is important to consider the impact of cultural nuances. In this article, INDUSTRY of Us explores Hofstede’s model for cultural dimensions, breaking it down and showing how it can be used at different stages of global research projects.
Explore our series
Creative Health
We’ve been exploring the links between creativity and health, and how to translate the science into day-to-day creative practice, enabling a world where more people are creative
Design Research 101
A collection exploring the role of design research and how to involve consumers in the creative process
Here for Innovators
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Thinking Outside the Books
A creative twist on well-known, influential books, we share our thoughts on key theories and what they mean for creativity and innovation